Week 88, some light starting to break through the tunnel.

I am building a playlist app using React and man was it one of the toughest projects I've ever done. After four days of struggle boat, I can say that I am finished with the functionality of the app and am ready to test it. But first, I want to complete the styling and then test. I finished my pomodoros for the day and now will do some DSA problems for the rest of the night as this is my normal routine. But I learned about APIs and React components passing props and functions and lots of other interesting React capabilities. The styling takes a bit to get used to as well. I plan to use a grid and then some flexbox for the songs and track listings. Once I complete that I can do the testing and hopefully continue with my Full Stack course. I got another coding interview for a job called Grant St Pittsburgh group that I will try and solve in a few days. Life is good, staying optimistic in this new year. I love AI. It's making everything so much better. I can feel it in the apps I use and the world around me. Once I finish my full stack course I am diving straight into AI. I want to be a part of this beautiful technology for the future. SaberSim this company who makes DFS optimizers might hire me as a Junior Support Software Engineer. I met with Scott, the head of Product manager on a Zoom meeting and he is going to send me a bug to fix later on, just to see if I can code a little. This is a great opportunity for me as I love sports and combined with coding, this is a dream job. Hopefully all goes well. After struggling on this React project for almost a week, I am starting to understand the flow of data. Initially, I didn't understand what I coded and how it was working. So I started over from scratch and took my time with the help of a mentor I was able to figure it out. Now I am much more confident and I feel I have total control over what the app is doing. I had a bit of under the weather feeling today but now I am much better. Better days ahead, still waiting for SaberSim email for the job.
