Codecademy Full Stack Career Path Week 76

Hello world! It's been a while since I've written on the blog, it's becuase I've been busy! I paused my Formation fellowship calendar in order to focus on learning Full Stack Career Path at Codecademy. They just added this new feature in February so I bought the yearly membership for only $170, and it's really great value. I am kind of reviewing some things that I had learned before with Udacity's Intro to Programming, but I am also learning some things that I did not learn at Udacity, so it was worth starting over from scratch on HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. They cover the entire stack, from Web Foundations, to Front End, and then the Back End, and they put the icing on the cake with a little Job Interview section at the end, that goes a little into preparation for a job interview. I enjoy Codecademy's content a lot better than Udacity, as I am learning about myself as I go, but I realized that I enjoy reading and applying what I am learning vs. (Udacity) watching countless videos and then doing small code snippets, and multiple choice answers. Udacity is more of rote learning, which I rather not memorize code, but instead learn the underlying logic and concepts. With Codecademy, you are reading and applying what you are learning constantly, with code, and at the end of each lesson, you are hit with projects and quizzes, and lastly, a final assessment of the entire chapter. I am in love with this process, and my GitHub has been fairly busy because of that. I am grasping things a lot better, and project based learning seems to be my preferred option. They also have this community called Full Stack Chapters, where everyone who is studying the Full Stack Career path can attend weekly meetups and study sessions etc, to go along with a very active community on Discord! I couldn't of asked for a better place to learn to code. It really compliments all the Data Structure and Algorithm practice I get at Formation. You can see the correlation of how things work and the patterns that are used.

I am also participating in Hacktoberfest, I am trying to get 4 PR's in by the last day of October, but I probably won't make it. I joined kind of in the middle--towards the end of the event, and it was my first time learning about it, however, I love open source, so I will make sure to be their early for next years event. I still can contribute with the Hack for LA community, but I am currently working on a issue from Codecademy's repository, they participate in Hacktoberfest, so hopefully I can get two PR's completed out of the 4. The hard thing is finding issues that are up-to-date and of my skill level. It's not as easy finding issues to take on, and lots of other developers can grab them before you. It's kind of fun though, the entire trying to find an issue thingy, sometimes maintainers never reply when you ask to take on an issue. Haha. Still waiting on hearing back from all the Apprenticeships I applied too, but it's no hurry, as I am enjoy learning Full Stack at the moment. I think a company did email me this morning about an Interview, and they would like to move forward, I will let my team know at Formation and maybe check it out. I also have a Mock Interview on Saturday with Karat (Brilliant Black Minds), my first one went horribly wrong. I will attempt this interview in JavaScript, last time I tried Python, but I've been working with JavaScript a lot more recently.

Well I will cut this one short so it's not a TLDR; I hope everyone enjoys their week! Keep the good fight of faith !
Old Photo of me!
