Formation Fellowship Week 54 Tech transition week 70 (Failure, Torture, Complexity)

The three thingss I love most... failure, torture, and complexity. These words define who I am, Matthew McCane. I am built for anything in this world, because I have God, it's the way I was raised. Failure teaches you how to LEARN. Torture teaches you endurance, and Complexity teaches you perserverance. I am afraid of success, and not a big fan of it, as it can fool someone into arrogance and mastery, as well as mistreatmeant of other people and a lot of other bad traits. But, success isn't all the way bad, as it can also do some good, it's just not my cup of gravy. I perform better in alleyways and one way streets, where there is only one way out, the hard way. I enjoy this, because it gives me purpose to remind me that I am alive. Now, I have seen success at it's highest level, coming from my neighborhood, I've seen close friends and family reach such heights that I could not imagine growing up. God showed me this in order for me to learn from them, and build the mentality that I have, so I could help and teach someone else. I am going to show you and people from my neighborhood how you turn nothing into something through education and hard work. Something unfamiliar in the area where I was born, most of the kids resort to drugs and violence, or maybe even sports (football). But you know what, I'm not interested in any of that. Instead, I want to show the youth how much more powerful the mind is with Math and logic. I have a fire in me burning so hard that it can't be put out and it won't, and I will show everyone what its like to turn my odds into what the general population would describe as success. Thing is, I will never reach success, there is no success, nor will I retire, but I will continue to learn and learn and push and push through complexity. I am enjoying this ride, and I am strong, no matter what companies tell me, or people tell me, I will stand tall and be strong through the fire.

It's funny to see people with such accolades treat others without the accolades as if they aren't important. But, I am here to defend and protect the under represented and under privelage children, I like to call them the invisible people. It's something that I've noticed since a teenager, how cold the world is, and how money and arrogance, and job titles can make a person feel so much more powerful than God himself, which I am going to prove costly. Watch me.

I recently applied to LinkedIn REACH apprenticeship for ML/AI and also Backend engineering, it's a great opportunity for me to move into the fire of Mountain View, California, where its SUPER competitive and they say the people are arrogant and hard, but guess what, welcome Matthew McCane, he is here to stay, never retire, but learn and grow and work until death. I am not here to insult you people, I am here to help you, and help you help other folks who you've tormented all these years, because your title makes you feel privelaged or entitled. A mind is a powerful weapon, the most powerful weapon, stronger than a nuclear bomb. It has no likeness for money, school, job title, ethnicity, it just knows repetition and passion. It understands failure and torture and complexity, it callous' the mind to grow in a way that can't be stopped. My fiancee/wife Sharon Kaufman is such a fucking beast. This woman comes from a rough patch, you know, I pulled her into this computer science shit, and she's been a demon from hell to all these folks. You know the ones that act like they're super smart and better than you or Bill Gates himself. Well, Sharon, she works her ass off, everyday, all day, wihle being rejected from companies who have no idea the fire she will bring with her, but you know, thats cool, because she deserves the best, and there will be a golden eye who notices her determination. Sharon studies Computer Science and DSA more than me, sometimes I have to get her to get up from the damn computer to do something else for a minute. She's LOCKED IN. YEa, it's hard, frustrating, daunting, sometimes you want to quit, but she's passed that, I love it, she's not going to stop. She is so inspiring for me and so smart, but she will never say she is, because of the way people may make her feel or say to her, but I am here to help and protect her, because honestly, I do not care for me as much for her, I am just here to protect and help guide her so she's good. As I am not deserving of such success like her. It's funny how life is, because I think I turned someone who had no interest in computers into a possible innovator in this shit. Yall go check her LinkedIn here Sharon's page. Tell her good job or something, because she is a silent beast, who doesn't talk about it, but does it.

I also applied to Accenture, they denied me, but I do not care, as Accenture does not really seem like a good fit for me honestly, the work they do, the values and passion just aint me, but when you trying to get a foot in the door, you might have to. LinkedIn aligns with me a lot more. Shout out to Jess Wagner from Formation who helped me write my essays for the Apprenticeship, she's highly educated, and humble, and checked on me everyday last week to make sure I correct my errors in my essay. I will never forget her or my people in Formation, my fellowship is what I am talking about, when you have intelligent people who are humble and helping others achieve their dreams, that's a company I would also enjoy working for, although, I am not ready for their skillset just yet, I will get their soon. I also have a possible opportunity at Cisco coming up, it's an apprenticeship that will teach me Software Engineering for X amount of months while they pay me, It's a great opportunity, as Cisco seems more and more interesting as I talk to the Program Manager and other folks who work their. Everyone loves that place. Suprisingly, I spoke with a chica from the LinkedIn REACH who had such negative things to say about it, I was rather shocked, but hey, everyone has their own opinion.

I am enjoying this fall weather season coming in, when football starts, I get a new burning passion and fire in me, it reminds me of my days of football and the passion I had to workout and train, now I use this energy in books and learning. It's good times, the weather feels good, and my family ties grow stronger with the seasonal holidays coming up. I love the fall. Just a quick update with me, still working in the kitchen in the mornings and doing my learning at night. My technical blog is over at Medium now, check it out here: My technical blog. I am learning so much right now... Math on Khanacademy... Algebra, Geometry, Calculus and Discrete Mathematics (Codecademy). I am also learning Full Stack Engineering, Machine Learning/AI, and Computer Science (Codecademy), all while practicing DSA problem solving at Formation with tier1 software engineers! I love it, I'm too busy for anyone, and I am laser focused, locked in. How are you guys doing? I will write in my technical blog soon on my next learning, I usually write when my mood is in the right zone! Good luck and keep the good fight of faith everyone, we will make it soon! <3
