Formation Fellowship: week 50 Career Transition: week 66

Yeah so, it's been a long ride here... ahaha it feels kind of crazy to write weeks 50 AND 66 since I started this grind. It's kind of not accurate because I started grinding on PC's when I was 12 to be exact! But, I guess, this more so reflects my career transition from culinary to tech. That kind of too is a bit inaccurate, because in college, I lived with a laptop by my side and I majored in computer science, and although I did not finish college, I still always lived by my PC day to day. Hahaha... You get the point, I've been a PC nerd since a kid, since my mother would say, you should find something better to do than sitting on that computer all day, or she'd say-- if your going to sit on that PC so much try and make some money from it! Hahahaha... It's a beautiful Sunday here in Pittsburgh. Guess what I am doing? You probably know, learning!! I have my sights locked in on a few apprenticeship opportunities. I talked to a few mentors that I go to for advice, and they opened my brain to a good plan of attack. So, this blog has become more of a personal blog about my life and what's going on with it, outside of tech, maybe some tech sometimes, but I moved over to Medium for most of my tech blogs. I have dreams of moving to California, like most people USED to have, I say USED to have because now the fear is the $$$ And the tax, but I love fear, and I love being the opposite of what everyone says, and I also love risk, I also love struggle, and I also love pain, and I also love complexity, success- not a big fan-- as its a lousy teacher-- and can greatly fool a person.

Now, I would never wish this on anyone else and I do have children, so I am very cautious and sacrifical of my children, but I will be fine. The thing with California is ... it's BEAUTY and the way TECH dominates the economy. I love everything about it, if you've seen my blog from February, I wrote about my visit to Hidden Hills with my little BRO BRO AARON DONALD, and honestly, I wanted to cry on the way back, it was such an empty feeling of flying back home to Pittsburgh, to work a lousy job that --- well I don't hate, but I sure as hell don't love it as much anymore. Me? I like to take risks, but I also do appreciate everything I do have and I work hard at whatever I do, it's a Pittsburgh way of thinking. All we know is hard work. I also have my Formation fellowship who is always there to keep me going and keep me focused (most of them are on the west coast as well), so that helps if I can be in California. But the opportunity for growth is impeccable in Cali, and I want to raise my kids their... somewhere like Mountain View High or some shit... you know, California kids? Haha.... I want to travel the world with my children and teach them humility and show them what it's like to see the different cultures. My beautiful fiancee looks like a California girl and she always dreamed of living in California as a kid, so yea, that's my goal, to find work in California. I mean hell, I am 35, I want to die in California... and max out my career as a programmer, never retire. We work until we die in Pittsburgh brotha.

So I've started learning AI and Machine Learning fundamentals. This is really where my heart lies... in data... I was advised to learn Full Stack beforehand so the transition is easier, but I may have another opportunity where I can get in the door as an early AI/ML engineer instead, with a focus on Sports. Doesn't have to be sports, I just love data... data is beautiful. I've been enjoying it so far, but it's a little difficult trying to remember all the variabless, tables, and the way things are, the LINGO etc. That's why it's important to have PASSSION and enjoy what you are doing, so you don't quit. For me, it's easy because I enjoy doing it, sometimes I find it hard to take breaks and stop working. Like today, on Sunday's I usually try to relax, but here I am, learning and reading more about AI and Machine Learning. I'm going to build a really cool developer portfolio soon, I'm having mad visions about how I could design something, I can't wait to show yall! ANyhow, toast to a great week and I wish everyone blessings! Be yourself and stay cool! PEAACEEE
My son lost his front tooth from the basketball smacking him in the face! LOL Matthew McCane Jr, 9
