Week 42 of Formation and Week 58 of my journey! Happy Father's Day!

Hello world! Happy Father's Day! I am currently in my meeting with Hack for LA as I write this blog post. I really enjoy working with this organization, it's an open source volunteer group based out of Los Angeles. I am learning so much, it feels like an actual job, we have 3 meetings per week, and we work on issues that need solved. I am on the website team, and so far, I've resolved just one issue, and it was finalized last night. Formation is going well, I am still working on the Frontend portion, trying to learn React. I have 15 projects that I will complete to have a strong foundation with React. I am also applying to jobs, my goal is to find a job by the end of the summer, right when fall begins, and worst case by the end of 2023! The market right now is tough, but the experts predict that the summer things should ease up. In the meantime, I am just building and learning, practicing algorithms, enjoying the challenges. I am confident that I will land a job by the end of this year. My other half Sharon is doing an exceptional job as well, I am lucky to have her. Eventually, I want to create a personal portfolio website, and continue with my blogging on that website. Today, I will finish working on this React project that I started last night, and I will probably take on a new issue with Hack for LA. Formation selected me for an interview that will be used on our new community page! I can't believe I was selected for that, again, Formation is exceptionally good at what they do. I was interviewed and just gave an honest response, nothing was scripted or fake about it. I can't wait to see how this new page turns out! I will leave this post short and sweet, it's Father Day, I will spend some time with family and take it easy, but I will always code! I've been working harder and putting more time in coding! I hope you all have a great week, I will try and post more often, I've been busy lately!
Hack for LA's website!
