Week 35 and Week 51 of my journey!

Week 35 in Formation and Week 51 since I decided to quit being a chef and return to my passion of computer science. It's been a long one, but hey, I am making some growth here! I can feel it.... I love the challenge. I got some things to update you guys with. So, this guy named Rodney Urquhart, is someone that I admire, when I first started this journey, and I read his story, it reminded me of myself, only he is much cooler. He came from a humble beginnings in Philadelphia, and me from Pittsburgh. Rodney goes on to work at Slack, Microsoft and ThoughtWorks. Here is a link to a small story on Facebook about Rodney, but you can google him to learn more (Rodney Urquhart). He defines perserverance, he is a fighter, and he made it through the storm, only to make it out on top. I am following his footsteps. Anyhow, I had reached out to him I think last year on twitter? He just replied over the weekend, and I am going to post a screen shot of the advice he gave me, because once I read it, I immediately went to work and listenend to him, I mean, shouldn't I?

I am one of those people that takes advice and makes that advice gold. Especially if someone is living proof, I have some really good Engineers in this with me, who are leading and helping me, and I execute everything they tell me to a key. That's why I am writing in this blog, this was taught to me, when I started, and you see I am still going. I started a React project that I am cloning. It's a portfolio website for transition into tech. At Formation, we are learning Recur (Software Engineering L1), it's when the tasks mimmick that of a real work environment in a FANG culture. Right now we are fixing bugs on a large codebase, and I love it. Today, was rough a little, on my last and final tasks before I finish Recur I and II, I earned a nice merge conflict, but I ended up fixing it! Afterwards, I had to step away from the PC for a second. However, I am learning React, Recur opened my eyes to this framework, and I can't stop trying to build with this framework. It was such a gamechanger, created by some kind folks at Facebook, it makes Frontend development such much better, at least in my eyes. I should be finish with my portfolio website in a week or two, and I will post it on here. I probably will still use this website, and have a link here from my portfolio. I applied at AirBnB, and also got a referral from a mentor at Formation, waiting on the response. It's a contract, entry level role, I figured I'd give it a shot. Ya never know? I am growing and learning. I just finished another book last night... called Prepared... it was a really good book, mostly about education in the American school system. Now, I am going to keep reading my computer scientist book and learning React. Next week, I will move on in Formation, I will let you know what's next! Stay tuned....
Rodney Urquhart
