Week 33 and Week 49 of my journey! Happy Easter!

Happy Easter

My step-father's health

This time around, the weather is beautiful here in Pittsburgh, and I have a ton of news to update the blog with. I will start with the bad news, I did not pass my Cisco Interview as of now, and it may stay that way, I could not solve the last question, but did get the two of the three solved, I ran out of time. It was a great learning curve, and I am thankful for the opportunity Cisco gave me. My step-father is really sick, his artery to his brain was clogged, and he was hospitalized for 7 days, but my mother did not tell me until afterwards, so she wouldn't distract or make me worry too much. He is home now and doing well, but it's definitely taken a toll on my mental, I have a mixed of emotions. My step-father is my real father basically, my real father didn't put much into me, as if I wasn't worth much, but my step-father, was all you could have in a father plus more, he is the reason who I am today. He bought me my first computer, he believed in my abilities to play football and he also sent me to college on his co-sign. It's really emotional for me, because he's never told me no, and he came to visit me each time I had surgery in the hospital, basically he's never let me down. I am grateful to have him. He is doing okay now, he is taking a medicine called Lipitor I believe, and he is off of work for 3 - 6 months. He works for UPS, since I was a kid, and he can actually retire, but he's just that strong of a person, he won't. Thank God that he is getting better, he just needs some rest, he's never taken a day off from work my entire life, it takes a toll on the body, UPS is a hard labor job.


On another good note, I did pass my Algo Blitz Final. This was easily the hardest thing I've done in my life, from a mental or learning perspective. It's a beautiful way of doing things, but it's just the beginning, because Formation still has 'Algo Marathon' and 'Algo Olympics' both which are more grueling. Right now, I am working on Recur I, in Recur we mimick the work of a real life software engineer as if we were really working at Facebook, or a MAANG company. It's an app they have for us, and we have to learn how to fix the bugs, and utilize Git and GitHub properly, making changes using pull requests, commits, and pushes etc. I've done something similar to this with Udacity, so I should be fine. I worked on it a little last week, but then I took the week off for Easter. My children are off school, so instead of me being on the computer, like I am every other day, I spent time with them, while they are off school. They return to school on Tuesday, so next week, I will dive back into Formation's curriculum. I felt very stressed over the passed two weeks, after hearing about my step-father.

I finished reading Idea Man by Paul Allen, it was a GREAT book, I got what I expected. I admire Paul Allen and Bill Gates, epsecially in those Microsoft days, they were two bandits on a mission! Now I am reading a new book called Prepared, it teaches us how to better prepare our children for college. I am also reading two other books, one called Python Crash Course that will help me become more fluent in Python, and the other is Computer Science: The self taught computer scientist, this book teaches computer science from the author Cory's standpoint, someone who didnt finish college or major in CS. Both books are really helping me understand programming a lot better. I REALLY enjoy reading.... I plan to return to jogging next week as well. I am so ready for the spring and warm weather! I will keep you guys posted, thanks for reading!

Mom, Dad, Me, Sharon
