Formation Fellowship (Week 17 of tech journey)

Once I start training within my Fellowship, I will also track the weeks next to the weeks of my tech journey as well. This will enable me to also display my first and final weeks of training at Formation, until I actually land a job. I am optimistic that I will land one of my top three's, simply because I get to train to become a Full Stack Engineer through Formation. That aligned with my ambition and determination really helps my situation a TON.

I started this Intro to Java course at Udacity, and I also love Java. This programming language helps me understand the other two programming languages that I've learned in JavaScript and Python. Java is like the grandfather of programming from my eyes, and it's more object oriented. You have to be specific when naming variables, and tell Java the data type. You have to consider the memory that you are using, as well as the space being used. Java actually uses less space and time compared to something like Python, because it uses less built-in functions, at least that's what I've learned so far. However, sometimes the code that you write, may be more lines of code in Java, for that same reason. I have like 1 hour left in the Java Course, it just shows you how to install the JDK through Oracle and this IntelliJ toy, I am curious to learn more of this as well. I finished the course in 1 week, although Udacity had it being estimated around 3-4 weeks? I have a particular study routine that I've been using that helps me manage this well, and the secret is Pomodoro's. I get things done with the Pomodoro technique. Chris (recruiter from Formation) advised that I could start learning Python or Java in order to prepare for training, but it's not required. Being that I never used Java, I decided to try that, and it's amazing. I also try to solve coding problems on leetcode each day as well. I can't wait to really learn how to approach these problems and solve them, from Formation. I am optimistic that the Fellowship will teach me the best approaches used in todays FAANG market. It's going to be a great euphoric feeling for me, once I get through it! I am anxious to start. My onboarding starts July 5th, and my training starts July 11th.

Happy July 4th!
