ITP Graduation! FEWD Week 11 @ Udacity!
Today, I've graduated from the Intro to Programming Nano degree program. It was seriously the best learning platform that I've ever used. I've tried many different approaches, and Udacity's is the best. Their UI for their learning portal is top notched, copasetic, and qualitive. Learning to program is not an easy task, but they make it easy. This is just a small piece of work in my portfolio, as I have big plans. I intend to earn 10 Nano degrees over time, because I just love learning, and that's a school where I can learn up-to-date tech information for a good budget. It's easy to keep up with, if you control your time management thoroughly and stick with the plan, be consistent. My schedule worked for me, but I also have a passion for doing the stuff, so it's kind of natural, because I would be on the computer learning something anyhow. I want to thank my dear friend Curtis Mitchell, who works at NASA, for really being a professional mentor throughout my process. He has been with me since the very beginning, during my denials from bootcamps, scholarships, coding struggles, etc. Curtis is highly intelligent and someone who I greatly admire for his humility to even speak with me. He's made it to the level that I aspire one day, and he tells me EXACTLY what to do. He doesn't realize his it, but he is HUGE in terms of how I kept going and didn't stop. He gives great advice that really helps with the mental health aspect in the field. How to survive the long road, things most people won't teach you. He is the reason why I write in this blog every week, with 0 people reading or interacting on the blog. Welp, the blog serves many purposes for me, not just interaction, I can take the positive from writing about my progress, rewarding myself, and dealing with being stuck. I credit all those tough circumstances to Curtis Mitchell. I appreciate you!!!! THANK YOU!
FEWD, is going well... I am working towards my final project, which will be a Landing Page that uses JavaScript! Sounds like music to my ears. My obession with starting a new project involves my mind thinking of complexity that I can solve, and something new to learn, something to build, all these things I get into this certain mindset that I can't explain! Haha... I am still trying to past my blog website project first, it's been rejected twice by my mentors at Udacity! (Shout out to the best mentors in the game) I love the rejections, and I love the mentors, because they make sure it's CORRECT, and they don't slack off on it, that's what I admire about them. So it's like motivation for me to get better. I struggled with Responsive Design for small screens, while importing these files into the main css file. I seriously worked on this for maybe 3 days, triyng to find the problem, and last night, on a great Saturday night of coding, I found it! It was a } that was missing for the scope of my media query, it was actually at the bottom of the file. I could not stop laughing at myself. How I love it. This is becoming a TLDR; so I am going to shut up! Thanks for reading! Bloggers...
Udacity's ITP Nano degree
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