Week 5 of Intro to Programming @ Udacity!

I made it to week 5! Learning python is going better these days. I am starting to grasp the concepts better, and also understand the logic better. On Thursday, I started my first project in Python. Our job is to create an adventure game... So far, it's going smooth. After learning all of the concepts throughout the weeks, they have us put it all together and create a simple program. They want us to use while loops, if and elif statements, we have to import a few modules... time... and random. Once we write all of our code out, we have to refactor our code. We learned about pycodestyle and how important it is to check for the proper styling and structure, this refactoring process really helps with this. Most of the code becomes grouped into functions, therefore, the code becomes much more readable and organized. It's a beautiful thing. But one thing that I am learning is... it can be a pain in the butt to find syntax errors, such as typing, indentation, and misspelling. VSCode is stellar with all of the features that help with this, but still sometimes, the logic you have and what you are trying to make the program do, can be mind boggling! But it's the part that I enjoy!

On another note, I completed a project from a website called Front End Mentor. I love this website because it helps you learn and build things on the front end! The QR Code Project was fun, it was the first time I utilized Git and GitHub with a real project. I learned all the commands and did everything correctly. I had taken a course on this before ITP (Intro to Programming). I think its's so cool, the whole Git/GitHub thing, I love that work environment that they give us in tech! I love communicating and working together, meeting other developers and learning things together. That website has all of this, they also have a Slack channel that I am in. And people are very active, so that's a plus! The QR Code Project was good for practicing mainly padding and width. Maybe a little bit of margin and responsive design a bit. We had to make sure the border of the QR Code maintained its margin regardless if the browsers' resolution. Playing with margin, width, max-width and some other properties got the job done! It was fun and simple, it was the very first project on the site, so I plan to start from the beginning and complete all of them available on the site, that would be amazing for me! We did a similar project on Udacity, so I was a bit fresh coming into this one! I enjoy doing projects so much. I love how coding makes you think hard, and use your brain. I use brain hacks in real life to help this (I learned from a course on coursera). Exercise I tell you is the best secret, a 25-minute jog early in the morning, really helps with problem-solving! I am going to finish the documentation for the QR Code Project after this post, and then submit my solution. My next project is the NFT Preview Card. It's just HTML and CSS as well. Well, as you know, I do not like TLDR post! That's all I have for you guys! I am optimistic that everyone has a productive week! See ya next time around!
