Intro to Programming Week 1 @ Udacity!

Hello world! It's been a while since I blogged! I wanted to wait until I started my new course on Udacity, so I could have cool things to blog about! My schedule for learning is Monday - Sunday, with Friday being the only day I do not progress. I work for two hours each day, before I start, I review yesterday's lessons, then I move on! Honestly, thus far, Udacity has been the best learning platform for me, it caters to my style of learning. You experience visualizations, text, then my favorite, the actual multiple choice questions, and completion answers, as well as the coding challenges. They do a great job of emphasizing Positive Reinforcement with they're teaching. I earned a certificate in a course called... "Learning How To Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects"... from coursera, prior to re-entering the tech world of learning! I knew what I was getting into, by making this decision to leave the food industry and switch to tech. I have a silent confidence in me, being that I am always on computers and have been as long as I can recall. At the same time, I understand that I am up against a world of possibilites and learning! Complexity, what I most enjoy!
Week 1 In the first week of Intro to Programming, we had a Welcome Orientation. It was pretty awesome, it introduced our teachers and they told us what we would be learning! In all, I completed 'The Web and HTML' and I also completed my 'Basic HTML Page' lab/project. Yesterday, I began working on 'Styling with CSS' and so far it's pretty cool. I have learned HTML and CSS countless times, since a teenager, but it's always good to hear it being taught from another person. This multi modal input learning is efficient for me. Some things you may think you know, you still could learn more, or maybe see it from a different point of view. HTML isn't that bad, but CSS, does it get fun! CSS - Cascading Style Sheets is one of the powerful web languages on the internet! Basically, this style sheet adds style and cool design to webpages, it also controls the alignment of data on a page, it can get really complex, trying to design some of the best CSS projects. I am 64% completed with the CSS, and my project is due April 8th, we have to make 'Animal Trading Cards'. After this, I will start... 'Intro to Python'... and boy I can't wait! I always wanted to learn Python, tried to teach myself a few times! So things a pretty smooth at the moment, I am just trying to push through these courses and get my Nanodegree! My goal is to get a job from all of this! I hope everyone enjoys their week! God bless!
