Week 82! Learning through failures...

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Hello everyone! I hope everyone is doing GREAT during this holiday season, as I have so much to be thankful for. I feel right now is a good time to write, before I start reading my book (Albert Einstein, by Walter Isaacson GREAT BOOK!). I hope everyone enjoyed Thanksgiving with family and I pray that everything is smooth for Christmas, and all the like-people in my shoes, find their jobs and continue learning, and most importantly NEVER GIVE UP! I had an opportunity to land a job, but I failed the interview, and man was I down on myself for a few days, but from all the GREAT software engineers that I can talk to about my problems, I realized that it's amazing that I even had a shot, and that holds tremendous value, and ALSO not to take it so hard, and learn from it. That's exactly what I am doing. The problem was simple, but I was not ready, as it was not a "Data Structure Algorithm" problem... per se... it was 'Given a string, convert into a 2D Matrix and display in HTML', I had the functions laid out and bits and pieces of code, but I could not complete it within the 80 mins given to me. I felt like I had let so many people down who supported me before I took the test, including my kids, but I've learned that it's okay to fail, sometimes better. I only had two days to prepare, and with work and children, that's not much time, so I gave it a shot at 12 midnight when my house is quiet and everyone is sleep! It sure lit a fire in me, and now I feel better than ever, and I am a lot more sharp in my studies. Nothing will stop me and make me quit, and I did not deserve the job, although it would have been a great first job for me, after so many weeks (as you can see in the title) of me trying to make a transition. I think this is the 3rd overall interview I failed. This was the second time I failed this interview, the first time, I literally did not even understand the question, and I was luckily enough to get the interview pretty quickly as I had just started my return into tech. I had a Google interview on the table that I never had taken, I think that was good, because I did not want to give Google so many bad signals, there was no way I would of passed that interview at that time. Heck, I didn't even know what goes into these interviews, or at least all the details and all the things I've learned now from Formation and all my studies. I do about 1 or two problems a night with my love Sharon Kaufman and outside of that, I am banging off projects on Codecademy and working through the Full Stack career path. This career path is really helping me see how all these things go together, and the way its taught, works perfectly for me. I am learning React now, on the front end. I think I am 50% complete with the front end, then I will do the back end, and then I will combine the two and build an e-commerce app, full stack. I am still applying to jobs and trying to find apprenticeships or entry level as well. It's no rush for me, I realize that I need to practice more and stay consistent, and soon things will come to fruition. I just wanted to update everyone, I do not want to make this a TLDR! But it's good sometimes for me to go back and read my old posts on here, to reflect on how far I've come! You can reach out to me anytime you'd like if you need anything from me!
